Saturday, December 27, 2008

Huntington Beach

Being a native New Yorker / Staten Islander and now Brooklynite, I have not been able to appreciate the great state of California as I would of liked. California is a great culinary state producing amazing produce and housing many great chefs to say the least.

Recently we took a trip out to Huntington Beach to spend time with relatives, and cook a bit. The weather was a but chilly but much more comfortable then the chilly freeze of NYC, the most surprising thing for me was and the space value, it was truly amazing compared to our cramped NYC living standards.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

LI Shooting Range

Our weekend consisted of shooting off some rounds in Long Island for a friends 30th birthday and then heading to chow down on some Picnic Garden (Flushing, Queens), an all you can eat Korean BBQ joint, which we all haven't been back to since our college days. Tip, do not bring any nice jackets into the restaurant as you will come out smelling like bbq for weeks~! .

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